4: Ephesians 5:18-33, Mutual Submission, and the Mystery of Marriage

This one was fun!

Allison and I talked about Ephesians 5:18-33 and how we interpret this passage! Rather than enforcing a hierarchy within marriage, we conclude that marriage is not about men or women having final authority in the relationship, but rather that Paul believed in mutual submission.

Allison walks us through vv.18-24 and the grammar and syntax therein, and Nick concludes the section on vv.25-33 which focuses on husbands. Examining the context is always important and the nature of "imitation of God and Christ" in 5:1-2 forms a foundation on which mutual submission is built.

Subscribe! Share! Follow us in iTunes and Twitter (Nick and Allison). For some excellent work, see Christians for Biblical Equality and the Junia Project as well!

For academic resources, see Philip B. Payne and Cynthia Long Westfall's book, Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women in Christ.

If you want to help fund Allison's PhD program in Systematic Theology, please consider giving at her Go Fund Me.